The project ROBOGENIUS addresses both students at pre-university education level (general education and VET) and teachers involved in the educational process with the mentioned students. Through its transnational aspect, the project generates added value for each of the partners involved in the consortium, facilitating in this way not only the development of innovation at the European level, but also the exchange of experience in adapting the project outcomes to different local/regional/national contexts.
Title: ROBOtics Learning for empowering the new GENerations of EU Innovators
Reference Number: 2018-1-FR01-KA201-047798
Project Start Date: 01 September 2018
Project End Date: 31 August 2020
Boreal Inovation ,France
Quarter Mediation, Netherlands
Asociaţia de Studii Socio-Economice, Romania
Colegiul Naţional Fraţii Buzeşti, Romania
1o Vocational High School of Perama, Greece
Cookie Box, Spain
Project partners
Boreal Innovation – Coopérative pour le Développement de la Créativité et de l’Innovation, France
Boréal Innovation is a cooperative that offers personalized support, training and digital workshops all in an environment appropriate to the transfer and exchange of experiences between the education and the community. It has been awarded French Tech as a recognition of its ecosystem of startups, as well as a common brand that can be used by French innovative companies.
Quarter Mediation, Netherlands
Quarter Mediation is an adult education provider with an European scope that organizes adult education courses at European level and European projects, under the available European Commission programmes and projects focused on education and culture. Quarter Mediation has as its main aims to promote lifelong learning and to create a link between the education system from different countries, both general education and VET, and the labour market.
Asociatia de Studii Socio-Economice, Romania
Asociatia de Studii Socio-Economice is an NGO having activity in education and on social and economic issues. It has as the main target to educate young people and adults and also to study the socio-economic situation of the society in order to improve it and make it more effective.
Colegiul National Fratii Buzesti, Romania
Colegiul National Fratii Buzesti is one of the most representative educational institutions in Craiova regarding its number of students and teachers. Its mission is to ensure a high standard of education which is meant to stimulate in the long run the individual evolution and to make its levels of preparation compatible with the national and European requirements.
1o Epaggelmatiko Lykeio Peramatos, Greece
1o Epaggelmatiko Lykeio Peramatos is a vocational highschool that provides lessons of general and technical education. All departments apply a mix of teacher-centred and student-centred learning methods in order to successfully prepare the pupils for the national exams and the labor market.
Cookie Box, Spain
Cookie Box has been delivering gamification and transmedia storytelling solutions during the past years. Several Transmedia platforms apply depending on the challenge: short movies developed under “Dramanagement” seal for real clients, as well as other media such as comics, comics in motion, teasers, workshops, board games, Gamified apps and platforms, mini games, ARGs.